News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. May 20, 2011: A day after accused sex offender, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, resigned as managing director of the International Monetary Fund, his replacement choose to focus solely on the business of the IMF.
Addressing the International Monetary Fund Annual Meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee, Acting Managing Director John Lipsky, Acting Managing Director, yesterday insisted that he’d like the focus to be “on how we can build a stronger global economy.”
The American-born Lipsky told the Committee that as the global recovery strengthens policymakers will focus more on domestic priorities, and worry less about global issues but the two cannot be separated.
“The recent crisis demonstrated that even the largest economies cannot effectively set their policies in a vacuum, and that effective international cooperation can improve economic prospects for all,” he said.
Lipsky urged the IMF to increase its understanding about global economic interlinkages; demonstrate analytically the benefits of enhanced policy collaboration; and facilitate the international dialogue needed to find global solutions.
And he advised the Bretton Woods Committee, to advocate for international cooperation by reminding leaders that by acting in the global interest, they are acting most directly in their national interest.
Lipsky’s address came on the same day Strauss-Kahn was released on US$1 million in bail after spending several days at Riker’s Island prison in New York City. He was also ordered to hand in his passports and post another $5 million bond and face a trial for sex assault.
Source:Carib worldnews
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