
Haiti hosts the Caribbean Millers’ Association’s 18th Annual General Meeting

Haiti welcomes the 18th annual meeting of the flour industry

The opening ceremony of the 18th annual meeting of the Association of the industrial mills in the Caribbean, the Caribbean Miller’s Association, took place this Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at the hotel Karibe, under the auspices of the mills of Haiti SEM.  During 48 h, the delegates of the different mills and related industries in the region will discuss and exchange around the topic “maintain affordable flour”.  James Marks said that the increase in the number of buyers will create more jobs for the well-being of the population.

The Prime Minister Lamothe, in his speech, has hailed outset members of the Caribbean Miller’s Association for their efforts, while extolling the merit of this public-private partnership which is “a partnership model that works”.

He commended the spirit of initiative and innovation of the mills of Haiti who were able to restart immediately after the earthquake of 12 January 2010. Production from 2011 to 2012 was 1200 TM against 500 Mt in 1998. The price of flour has dropped between 2011 and 2014 special significant declines for households of 7.6% in 2013. Flour is almost 9% of the consumption of Haitian households, “the Prime Minister said.

«My Government attaches extreme importance to primary sector by promoting commercial agriculture, the valuation of land, investment in productive capacities and the development of the agro-industry sector», said the head of the Government in his remarks of circumstance. In addition, he said that food security and the development of national production are two son Government priorities.

In this sense, between 2011 and 2013, average annual public investments were over 21 million US dollars in agriculture and the sector’s GDP has increased more than 2.9% in 2012 and over 4.9% in 2013. Much of these investments have been made in the construction of agricultural infrastructure across the country, including the construction of 700 kilometers of roads to facilitate the transport of agricultural products and boost the sector.

For two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, participants, coming from, among others, Canada, the Dominican Republic, the France, Germany, the Italy and the Jamaica will discuss various themes, including: trends in global industrial flour, the stakes of the wheat market, “keep the price affordable flour”, costs and benefits of the additives in flour innovation in the quality control.

Created on 5 May 1996, the CMA has for objectives to develop the industry of the mill industrial flours of wheat in the Caribbean, promote rationalization, the development and the progress of the activities of crushing in the region, create and animate a regional network of information on economic policies that affect the production, industrialization and marketing of wheat, other cereals and flour.


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