Archive for February 10th, 2015

Canada begins process to license feed mills

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA — The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) on Feb. 9 began consultations on its proposal to license feed mills in western Canada and to extend payment protection to grain producers who sell grain to feed mills.

The CGC is seeking input from feed mills, grain producers, producer groups, current licensees and industry stakeholders on its proposal to license feed mills and to assist in the development of licensing requirements for feed mills. The intent is to assess the feed ...

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U.S. flour exports near lowest level in recent years

WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. — Exports of wheat flour from the U.S. in 2014 totaled 5,372,000 cwts, up 100,000 from the prior year, according to data provided by the Census Bureau. This minimal increase left flour exports near the lowest level of recent years. Except for 2013, last year’s shipments to foreign destinations were the smallest since 2008 when the outgo was slightly less than 5 million cwts, at 4,918,000.

The low point of flour exports in the current century occurred in ...

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