Archive for April 12th, 2011

Gas tax rollback – Government cuts petrol prices, PNP calls off protest

THE BRUCE Golding administration yesterday rolled back the rate of ad valorem tax on fuel at the eleventh hour from 15 per cent to 10 per cent, effective Thursday, in an apparent bid to ward off national protests.

Following a marathon meeting of Cabinet, the Government stated that the temporary reduction in the gas tax would lower petrol prices by between $4 and $5 per litre.

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) yesterday signalled that it would take to the streets if the Government ...

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Cabinet can appoint FIU director, says Ramlogan

The amendment to the Financial Intelligence Bill is to clean up the mess created by the People’s National Movement, which made an illegal appointment when it appointed David West, former Director Designate of the FIU, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said yesterday.

He was responding to statements from Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, who charged that the amendment to the bill, which was “sneaked in” last Friday, was designed to fix the improper and illegal appointment of Susan Francois by the People’s ...

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