Archive for March 23rd, 2011

Holland to redefine relationship with Suriname

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that while Suriname is no longer a partner country in Holland’s development policy, the special relationship with the former colony would continue.

But it said that the new relationship is dependent upon a memorandum that will be submitted to the House of Representatives later this year.

Suriname was among a number of countries that the Dutch government removed from its development programme last weekend.

“Reducing the number of partner countries does not mean that ...

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Bharath: Plan to combine food plots

Former Caroni (1975) Ltd sugar workers will be given a chance to combine the two-acre lots they received as part of their VSEP packages to create larger farms.

Food Production Minister Vasant Bharath believes this opportunity will help former sugar workers who are unable or unwilling to begin food production utilise their land.

He said: “Because of the length of time that it has taken for the allocation of these plots, what has happened is that a number of people who have ...

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